Facebook Marketing in the Philippines

Facebook Updates Page Owners Should Know

Facebook Marketing has definitely proven to be an influential platform for a Digital Marketing campaign, especially in the Philippines where Facebook users have exceeded a little over 30 Million as of 2013.

In the last few weeks, Facebook has been making some significant updates for pages. These changes are deemed to significantly affect business pages on Facebook. Some of these updates have been obvious, while others are less prominent.

Here’s a quick list of Facebook Updates.

Facebook Cover Photo Guidelines Update

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in a recent update, shared that almost 50% of News Feed today are photos and other visual content. The update in cover photo guidelines allows businesses to take advantage of this visual platform by enabling them to include a call to action in their cover photos.

The updated guideline now indicates, “All covers are public. This means that anyone who visits your Page will be able to see your cover. Covers can’t be deceptive, misleading, or infringe on anyone else’s copyright. You may not encourage people to upload your cover to their personal timelines. Covers may not include images with more than 20% text.” (Facebook Page Guidelines)

In contrast to the old guidelines, business pages can now feature the following on their cover photos:

    • Price or purchase information
    • Contact information
    • Reference to Facebook features or actions, such as “Like” or “Share,” or an arrow pointing from the cover photo to any of these features.
    • Call to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”

How else can the new update be leveraged?

    • Page owners can add links on the cover photo to track and analyze cover photo engagement.
    • Emphasis on special promotions with a clear call to action on the cover photo.

Targeted Newsfeed for Brand Posts 

Facebook also rolled out a new feature that let’s brands target users with status updates that do not necessarily appear on the brand’s page.

The idea behind this feature is to let the page owner communicate a specific message to a highly targeted audience, which may not necessarily be relevant to the rest of the Facebook page members.

Simply put, this means being able to send out the right message to the right people.

Facebook Threaded Commenting  

Facebook pages with more than 10,000 likes now have threaded comments. This feature allows a user to reply to comments on Facebook property, such as the cover photo. Page owners are now able to directly reply to specific comments, enhancing the conversation between the brand and the user. This is definitely a great improvement from the comment system where all comments are listed linearly regardless if it is an answer to a comment or not.

This feature makes it easier for page owners (especially those who receive huge volumes of comments) to organize the comments and respond to each more appropriately.

Other Facebook improvements are being talked about. One of which is the use of hashtags. Hashtags on Facebook would allow users to easily see posts focused on a specific topic. This is clearly another development that digital marketers can readily incorporate in any digital marketing activation.

Need help strengthening your Facebook Marketing Campaign? Let’s talk. Send us a message here.